In Print

For Stanford Medicine Magazine, the opening spread for a story about Dr. Emmanuel Mignot and his narcoleptic Chihuahua, Watson. A doctor and his Chihuahua make explaining narcolepsy look elementary By Becky Bach Photography by Lenny Gonzalez

Watson and Mignot

Emmanuel Mignot, director of the Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine, with his narcoleptic dog, Watson.   Full article in Stanford Medicine Magazine, here –

Switchboard Music

Recent work:  directors of Switchboard Music… The lineup of the 2016 Switchboard Music Festival, on June 18 – Tyondai Braxton, San Francisco Girls Chorus, Aram Shelton, Religious Girls, Majel Connery and Ken Ueno with The Living Earth Show, Del Sol String Quartet, Alisa Rose, ZOFO, and more! They are running an Indiegogo campaign to pre-sell tickets…

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