Click for Quarter Three
Click for Quarter Three
Click for Quarter Two
a performance piece by Pauline Oliveros – Warm your hands by rubbing them together vigorously. Bring your right hand to your own heart and your left hand to the back of a virtual partner. Feel the hand of a virtual partner on your own back. Savor the protection of your heart and your partner’s hearts.…
Stop flapping your lashes at me Yamaha SG. No, you can’t go home with me!
Rebecca Gates performed an intimate, yet rocking set at Hotel Utah last night. Check out a preview track from her upcoming album, The Float, out on June 12… This tune is called & & &. [soundcloud url=”″ iframe=”true” /]
For some reason I love to take pictures of pictures. I’m sure that fact is much more interesting than trying to figure out the reason why. This, taken after a band called Churches rocked a great set of music at Cafe Du Nord on May 11, 2012. Know them now. [bandcamp album=1761748015 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande]
The first time I saw fIREHOSE was at the 9:30 Club in Washington DC(back when it was on F Street). I just saw them play a reunion show at Slim’s on 11th street in San Francisco after an 18 year break! They were working out the kinks that night but it just didn’t matter. There…